Behind the curtain...

The rain falls...

Story Board
Great Memories with Great People
Tuesday, February 4, 2014 - 1:48 AM
Assalamualaikum....Alhamdulillah berakhir sudah Annual Continuous Training, my first ACT after joined Navy. Opps its ROTU NAVY. AWESOME!! serious talk the camp was super duper awesome. The cadet, the YO, the coach, the food and the activities. well, phone are not allowed for le cadet. so i dont have any picture taken by my old blackberry. Luckily one of the cadet brought his DSLR. thanks Allah boleh lah kitorang posing untuk setiap aktiviti dengan kamera dia. hihi.

Hari pertama, sampai-sampai je dah kena rush. Segala jenis PT kitorang kena. dengan berbaju kurung okay? fuh..masa tu tuhan saja yang tahu dalam hati ni. Tengah round padang kawat ni dalam hati kata nak balik sekarang! lepas tu dapat bilik 3rd floor! angkut segala barang naik lepas buat PT. pehhh...menangis tak terkira. nasib baik ada Wani yang tak putus-putus bagi semangat. Jadi, aku kuatkan diri dan teruskan.

Hari Kedua dan seterusnya, pehh sakit memang sakit. satu badan sakit. fizikal dan mental penat. jalan pon dah tak betul. terkangkang kangkang naik tangga. Dengan rutin harian yang padat dan kesempitan masa. semua orang under pressure. Bangkit 0500H, 0200H baru boleh tido. Tu tak termasuk nak basuh baju ke apa ke. hmm tangan sampai merah, berdarah, hitam. bayangkan? push setiap masa. sikit-sikit "front support position, down!" tskkk

Semua tu aku gagahi sehingga lah hari ke-4. Kitoran dibawa melawat kapal perang British, HMS DARING. excited gila! first time naik kapal perang!! Jumpa face-to-face dengan Lt. Kmd. Tamreez for the first time! rasa hilang kejap segala penat lelah tu.

Bermula minggu kedua, aktiviti semkin lasak dan latihan makin lasak. pehhh...tak dapat nak dizahirkan dgn abjad. pehh gitu. HAHAHA! Early morning activity, breakfast, colors, watches, naval drill, class, lunch, class, evening activity, dinner, night rounds, class, "bayar hutang time", laundry in the midnight, sleep for couple of hours and the routine goes on. Everything and everyone become strict! yup, i cried "several" time.

Hari-hari terakhir aktivti makin bertambah seronok, ada aktiviti menembak, jalan lasak, jiwa murni dan malam mesra. Oh ya sebelum tu ada exam. exam naval drill dan exam dalam kelas. untuk naval drill berjaya dengan jayanya. thanks to GI Azwar. hehe. untuk exam dalam kelas. errr? aq sorang je yang tumbang dalam kelas tu. lol. hahaha nasib baik Tuan Zaha baik bagi tiru orang sebelah walaupon dah lewat 5 minit. kwangkwangkwang. nanti kita check result ye dgn Leading Mohamad. Menembak, ahahha..menembak untuk pertama kali nya. tak kena satu plate pon. hampeh betul pistol tu. konklusi, tak suka menembak! -,-" k tanak cerita dah. Jalan lasak best!! kitorang jalan 10km!! jalan, guling, jalan itik, lompat bintang, PT panjat bukit, push up, sit up, ahh semua lah jenis PT. yang paling best masuk longkang main lumpur! hahaha..walaupon busuk. tapi aku suka! jiwa murni kitorang bersihkan kawasan kubur dan masjid. yang penting dapat makan sedapp! malam mesra plak, team aku, thana alpha kena buat tarian. so kitorang menari lagu P Ramlee bunyi gitar dgn gerak tari direka khas dari PT kitorang. sumpah lawak!! kelakar gila! lol..

Alhamdulillah..aku tak penah jatuh sakit sepanjang di KD Sri Klang. panas badan, selsema tu biasalah kan. Alhamdulillah aku berjaya harungi ACT kali ni dgn jaya nya. Alhamdulillah aku dikurniakan kawan-kawan yang supportive. Alhamdulillah nama aku tak kena pick up dgn subby. Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar.

Presenting you all....

Ladies from Cabin 309

Thana Alpha the most "senior"

Strength of 51

Le ladies of Cabin 309, they are super sweet gojes and taff! I love youuuu..thanks for everything and im sorry for everything girls! unfortunately Al was not in the picture. *cry an ocean* after all i hope u were alright now. Please be strong and face it with redha. :'( May Allah protect u and your family. Amiiinn.. Le "senior" group of all, Thana Alpha. You guys rock! hahaha..all those cheers, dance..hahahaha priceless!! Lastly, Unit KDSK of UM, UITM and UPM. Forever 17. I hope so our strength would always be 51. I love you and im pretty sure im gonna miss you all! heyy look i already miss the cabin! T.T Terima kasih semua. #np Memori Tercipta

What a lovely monday...
Tuesday, January 14, 2014 - 1:06 AM
Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera. Salam Maulidur Rasul semua. Selawat Allah swt ke atas Muhammad saw. Selawat salam dipohon lagi. Ya Tuhan, selawat dan salam dan keberkatan atasnya.

Entry ni di buat untuk update pasal navy. Kebetulan maulid rasul. So, dua dalam satu. hehe. K first maulid rasul kat universiti ni tade lah se best kat matrik dan sekolah dulu. pehhh doludolu kat sekolah meriah sambut maulid rasul. sekarang sunyi sepi. hmm ._. its nobody fault but mine. Alhamdulillah ada classmate post selawat dengan maksud sekali kat fb, so sorang sorang pon jadi lah. biar tak meriah asal ada. yedok?

Petang tadi paper Construction Technology I. Alhamdulillah boleh jawab. Berkat usaha baca ulangkaji dan pertolongan Allah. Yelah Allah takkan sia-sia kan usaha hamba nya. tambah-tambah bab menuntut ilmu. Sekarang tinggal tawakal je setelah berusaha. semoga beroleh kecermerlangan untuk paper ConsTechI nih so that sem depan boleh amik paper ConsTechII. hehe in sha Allah. balik bilik tu dah pukul 7:00 malam. tepat 8:00 malam terus gerak pegi 5th College sebab ada meeting PALAPES. 10:00 malam balik bilik, online Facebook. sekali scroll scroll jumpa article 1st Malaysian Female Captain made in ALAM. pehhhh!! mengimbau kenangan pergi interview untuk enroll ALAM rituritu. Aku ingat lagi aku kata kat panel tu aku nak jadi perempuan Malaysia pertama yang jadi kapten. pastu panel tu terus "Unfortunately we are having one soon in 201*" 2014 ke 2015 entah dia kata. lupa ._. kay musnah harapan aku nak jadi perempuan melayu pertama yang kemudi kapal. Nvm, aku join ROTU NAVY UM pon aku dah cukup berbangga dengan diri ini. hehe. Anyhow, all respect goes to her. Syabas dan tahniah dari saya! :) 

First Malaysian Female "drive" the Ship 

Give a click for full article. K adios people! Wish me luck for my last paper, Legal Study this Thursday. Salam Maulidurasul ;)

imma "morning people" ;)
Thursday, January 9, 2014 - 5:34 AM
Morning people! Hi! guess what? i woke up early in the morning just to study data for final. BAMM! unbelievableeeeee~ hahaha. hmmm its 5:13 AM. wait!! Happy new year everyone! whew i hope its not that tooooooo late to welcome 2014. hihi. wow its 2014?!! im getting old :( no more -teen. k. welcome -ty! once a year eh post? hmm busy lah. hmm not really. actually im that lazy ass when it comes to writing or typing. ngee. k back to the track. Im on my 1st semester final examination. as usual i always burn the midnight oil. k typical me who loves to speed up on last minute. errr not really speeding up. slow jugak sebenarnya. muahahahaha. so my second paper is on this friday. My first paper? BOOM! Measurement of Construction I was terrible! :'( im sooooo sad and i could cry an ocean when i think about it. huh. don't worry i couldn't cry an ocean even if i want. lol -.- talk about finale, i had no idea about what result will come out. Honestly i want to be in the dean's list (for sure). but................. hwarghhhh! idk. degree life is so tough you know. hmm it is TOTALLY different from matriculation and of course spm. its not that really "tough" but when final arrives...entah. idk. hahahaha this post supposed to be kay actually i wrote this post coz i got the call from nature to write one xP hehe no lah just take 5 away from the lecture slides. okayyy times up! byebye.

lol meja anak dara

oh sebelum tu, azam tahun baru saya, saya nak kahwin tahun 2020 nak menaip frequently. in sha Allah. kbai. Selamat pagi!

Blessed Ramadhan
Friday, July 12, 2013 - 10:25 PM
Assalamualaikum. Selamat berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan al Mubarak nih. Semoga kita semua mendapat keberkatan daripadaNya. Aminnn~ pheww~ Alhamdulillah seghonokk berpuasa tahun ni sebabnya berpuasa kat rumah. Walaupun biasabiasa ja juadahnya tapi aku suka berada di rumah like a boss dan makan bersama ahli keluarga tercinta. I'll do anything for this ! hehe..pengalaman puasa jauh dari rumah memang menyedihkan. Aaaa takmau cita sedih sedihh, kita nak cita heppi heppi je. HAHA. Alhamdulillah result UPU dah keluar Ramadhan kedua ritu dan aku dapat pilihan pertama. 

Syukur lah tak dapat kos y pelikpelik. Kos biasabiasa sajja, course named Quantity Survey tak sehebat kawan-kawan yang dapat kos medic, engine, acc. hee~ well aku gembira sbb ma dan abah were glad that i got this study offer. Memang target aku takmau amik engine walaupun aku modul II kat matrik dulu. sebab? errrr~ its too complicated. haha. Nampak gayanya rezeki aku kat fakulti alam bina. InshaAllah surveyor-to-be. Sr. Fatihah Zaki? Oh tidakkah itu ohsem? :P *berangan* hmm..agak sedih sebab tade kawan yg aku kenal ke UM. mostly, mereka ke UKM, UPM, UITM. Lagi sedih tak dapat satu Uni dgn lebbly rumates T.T okay, i'll find new one but you guys will never be replaced. You guys would always be my first eva rumate :* hikhikk emo plak dahh tadi kata takmau sedih. So, I wish all the best for those who got the offer to further degree. and for those who didnt get any dont be sad okay? lastly, Gud luck guys ! wohh..jomm makan leftover ayam golek y time berbuka tadi. hehe till we meet again in next post. Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa ye semuaa. babaiii.

To my lovely Friends
Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - 11:28 PM
I still remember the first day we meet,
We were too shy to say much at all,
It's funny to think back to that time,
Because now we're having a ball !
We have something irreplaceable,
We've been through so much together,
In so little time we've shared,
I will never forget  all the moments,
Friends are forever :) 
Hadiah Dari KMK
- 11:15 PM
Officially i am the new batch that graduated from Kedah Matriculation Collegue. yayyy congratulations to me!


nahhh caption mau BOOMBOOM POW ! haha..inshaAllah. aminnn.. Ok this post is not about me. It's about precious present from KMC. Yes, a year been there has changed me a lot! to a much better person i thought. matured enough to be far away from home and beloved family. And yes a year far away from lovely home and beloved one was a longest nightmare ever! happened in my life but then Allah has replaced my lovely home with a coolest room and sent me my angel friends. Alhamdulillah this is the most Precious gift from KMC to me, the friends! I may not have thousands friends there but with these few friends i swear i'll never take them for granted ! they are irreplaceable.

But, who are they? first, meet my coolest-funniest-happiest-beautiful rumates evah!

Liza, Rozi, me and Cikwa

Dear babes, u guys are the most awesome creatures on earth! I remember how we doing great in the hostel, breaking the rules, gossiping all the time! and burning the mid night oil in every mid-sem tests and finals. HAHA. If i can lists all the crazy things we do together, this blog will be all about us. no lie ! xD

Secondly, meet my extra-roomate the spoiled brat with gallons of air mata, Aimuni. :P

me and Aimuni

This is Aimuni, i've known her since form 4 lagi. The nicest yet the most clumsy girl. *sigh* she even tekan the calculator wrong ! haha.. Aimuni if u reading this, i juz want to thank u for patiently being my "student". I never felt that teaching u is a burden. :)

thirdly, meet my awesome weirdo clever classmate that close to me, Cheahh and Mun.

Cheah, me and Mun

They are my friends, the two that i close the most in class. They made days! We laugh almost the time we were together. We cheat in tests, we skip the tutorials and lectures, we online in the Sir Amrul's classes, we stalk Sir Amrul, we gossiping together, we ate together in the english period, we came late to the tutorials, we snap thousands of pictures together ! till 1 gb of my phone memory juz for our pic. u guys were tooooo photogenic -,- HAHA yes, u both made my days when i've no feeling to attend those boring classes. hee :*

Next, meet my happy-go-lucky level-mates a.k.a jiran tingkap xP

Timah Acik Jenab, Nisah and Pah radio.  HAHA! they are toooo happening ! Timah, the only one who always sweet talk wif me. ahhhh as sweet as cotton candy! the only one who always puji me. muahahaha :* Nisah, being matured all the time. hahaha i would love to help her wrote the-love-letter and tease her all the time. Pah, i've meet her as Sukarelawan KAKOM never realise that we are on the same floor. hahaha my bad coz im nevaa beramah mesra dgn jiran tetangga. pstttt, i missed the time we had dinner together, makan claypot dalam bilik. aaaa sobsob~

Lastly, the ambitious geek yet the hardest to find in the class, Huda !

Huda and me

Huda is the bestfriend of Aimuni and that's how i meet Huda. The only one i can spoke Kelantanese with. Kemah sep kito !

That's all the angels that bright up my day. I enjoyed every moment we spent together. Thank youu...thank you sooooo much for everything! it has been 2 weeks and a day we didn't meet each others. Siyesly, rite now im missing all of you badly. Masa ni mesti kita tengah minom neslo, makan meggi dan melaghaa kan? Whatever it is we got no power to turn back time. Memories made and we have to step foward. Here, i wanna sorry for what i've done wrong. Im really sorry for my bad manners and thank you for bear with me patiently. You all are the most precious present from KMC. I love you guys soo strong ! :* May this friendship never end and I pray for the best for all of you. This piece of beautiful words, i should have give to all of you on our last day, but i didnt make it. so here it is "to my lovely friends".

Lots of Love,
Tiah the Sindarella.

The Sindarella Returns
- 9:12 PM
Asalamualaikum and Hi ! hoyeaahhh..lama tak hupdate blog nih. tergerak hati plak nak berblogging balik dan aq merasa sangat menyesal delete blog lamaaaaaaa *huwarghhhhhh* how come i delete my own "diary" haishh my bad. Let by gone be by gone rite? kita mulakan hidup baru langkah ke hadapan jangan ditoleh tapi boleh diimbau. hahaha berfalsafah bagai :3 yelah bab kata pepatah sesiapa yang melupakan sejarah akan mengulangi sejarah. ehhhhh apa motif ? haha juzzzz forgettt it !

okayyy, mission sekarang nak renovate blog!! dah bersawang berlalang "berpenghuni" dah blog ni. HAHAHA. orite Tiahhhh your mission starts now !

k, tadaaaa~ silalah rajin blogwalking kat blog ni ye? hit me in the shoutbox and i'll visit yours in the return,ok ? :)


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Sindarella the Author
Under the umbrella...
Big giant ugly monster named Fatihah. Breath since 17 March 1994. A walking disaster. Broken english. Fail translator. Lazy Sindarella xP. Non-regular blogger. Photography admirer. Music addict. Daily dreamer. Imperfect. Bitter and fragile ♥
well , imma GOOD girl with bad habitS ( : and I.. I dont talk to people , UNLESS they approach me first. ( : pstt ,, dont be so quick to judge !
rotten things
do leave ur footprint!

Laugh as hard as you can!